Before I try to relay how everything unfolded, I want to take a moment to thank each and every person who has supported me through this whole experience. Not just those who opened up their wallets but those offered me encouragement and listened and hugged. I am truly lucky to have the worlds best support network. I am thankful everyday for the amazing people in my life. I love you all.
Mush, mush, mush.
This is how the story unfolds....
Morning of the race: I was a mess. All I could think of was how unprepared I felt for this whole thing and how completely insane it was that I was actually about to participate in a triathlon (we are leaving the "mini" aspect our here, because really ? - not relevant!). Less than an hour before the start time I gathered up the courage to go and get ready and head down to the beach. Just as I was getting up to go and get my stuff, my father presents my entire family with hand made "Team Beki" t-shirts. They were awesome; to say the least. He even made one for the dog. My Dad is truly the best. Ever. Always.
The team uniforms gave me the inspiration I needed to stop my belly aching and just get on with it.
We started with the swim...
This was more akin to water UFC. There was a lot if splashing, kicking, pulling...not much actual swimming. But I managed to stay with the pack (more or less) and completed this portion is a little over 12 minutes.
Then I ran up to the transition area, stuck my sopping feet into my sneakers, strapped on my helmet and took off on the bike ride...
If you zoom in on this picture you will see that the lady behind me is working WAY harder than me. That may have something to do with why it took me 30:03 to complete this portion.
And lastly the run. This was the part that scared me the most. And you know what?...It wasn't so bad after all.
That's me...crossing the finish line! Team Beki was there cheering me on and it felt pretty awesome to hear them announce my name as I came in. The run took me 22 minutes...but the point is: I actually ran.
All in all it took me 1:10:02 minutes to complete the race. Which, relatively not very good. But, I really don't care because I am proud of me! And I am proud of all of you too...
Because together, we raised (drum roll please) $1000.50 for the Michael J. Fox Foundation! That is 2x my original goal. AMAZING! I would like to also thank my Uncle Shuggy for the 50 cents that helped to bump this into the next tax bracket!
So, what now? I have been asked countless times if I am going to do this again. I have decided that the answer is "yes and no". The triathlon is not for me. I can't see myself doing this again. But, I will fundraise for MJFF again. In fact, I have decided to make this an annual event and that I will try something new every year. I am open to suggestions for next year, and they don't have to be based on grueling physical activity. I am thinking...drunken bingo...any takers? Hmm...see, I really do need some suggestions.
Well, there you have it. Thank you again and I promise to hit you all up again next year.
With love and gratitude,
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