Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fiscal Policy vs. Elliptical

Howdy all! I am technically supposed to be studying for my Economics mid-term, so I'll have to keep this brief. Ara has even taken the dog out to give me some peace. I have been practicing the fine art of procrastination ever since I got home from work today. I have had a nap (glorious!), done the dishes, organized the photographs of my darling niece and am now writing to all of you. The one thing that I did not do that would have prolonged the inevitable, is go to the gym. Today is the first day since "I took action" that I have not adhered to my training schedule. I figure I can excuse myself because I really can't afford to do poorly on this test and I promise this is not the start of a slippery slope. Truth be told; I think I would rather be at the gym over reading about how fiscal policy impacts GDP any day. Urg! Wish me luck!


  1. i have not read your whole blog yet but i'm very excited! i like the concept of project 2010!! :)
    we can absolutely train together but i suck! i run slow :P we want to do an 8k for the harry rosen run if you're interested.. april 3 or 4.. whichever is the sat :)

  2. That is in less than a month! I don't know if I will be able to run 8km consecutively by then...but yay you!

  3. i know i'm a little nervous since i haven't run much since last summer :P oops.

  4. Run, walk, crawl...as long as it's in the right direction I don't think it matters much! I think I am going to sit this one out, but if you are raising money for the cause; be sure to hit me up! Good Luck!
